With many local authorities ceasing to provide council-operated catering services, now is an excellent time for Schools and Academies to take control of their own catering.

Across the country thousands of Schools and Academies have taken their catering services “in-house”. Not only does that give operational control to School Management, but also gives financial control at a time when budgets are under continual pressure.

Catering contractors are commercial businesses, with need to generate income from Schools, whether through a direct contract, or through council-arranged “managed outsourcing”, sometimes referred to as a ‘block contract’, where Schools effectively become clones of each other with very little opportunity to individualise their day-to-day catering services.

With an “in-house” catering service, the income that would otherwise go to a contractor stays within the School.

In moving to an “in-house” catering service, there are a number of considerations — not least to be able to buy supplies competitively, but also to have source of professional catering guidance and advice. This is where CaterBuy, with 25 years of experience in supporting “in-house” catering,

particularly in the education sector, could assist your School Management and your catering team going forward.

There are no fees or contractual obligations for your School to link into CaterBuy.

If you would like to explore the” in-house” option, but would initially welcome an informal discussion – by ‘phone or in person –  to answer any questions you might have, please let us know.

Office telephone: 01256 478545.     Mobile: 07957 645942.   E-mail: enquiries@caterbuy.com